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Black & White Wednesday



B&W Wednesday

I love black and white photography. In fact, I can't wait to scan in my contact sheets and photos from photography class that I took in high school. (Yes, I have been wanting to do this forever on my other photography blog, but it seems so much more fitting here.) I went to high school on Long Island with my friend Lauren, and she just happens to live in Wake Forest, NC. And, she also just happens to have some of the cutest kids I've ever seen. She definitely makes beautiful babies!! I was at her house in January taking photos of her newest addition, Mia, and while Mia was being tended to I tried to attack getting the other kids to let me take their picture. It turned into a chase-fest on her front lawn until Lauren saved It was fun, and I ended up getting a few shots of Brandon and Sofia outside, but Alana wanted nothing to do with me. So while back inside, Alana all of the sudden let me take some photos and they turned out to be the best of the bunch. I had made this one black and white for Lauren's CD because I just loved the backlighting her windows in her living room gave me. In fact, in this session, I found one of my all time favorite photos. Isn't she gorgeous?!?!
B&W Wednesday add


Ashley Sisk said...

These are beautiful shots - I love photographing kids! So much fun.

Jaime said...

Gorgeous indeed!!! Love the natural lighting!

Amber said...

She is adorable! Love the black and white edit. :)


Kara said...

so cute! I also love photographing kids. they're all so different and all of the facial expressions. and ahh, i just love your header!

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