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Melissa Berg Photography | Raleigh Newborn Photographer


If you haven't been yet, go!! Check out Raleigh's Premier Newborn Photographer.

Edit Me Challenge

I know I haven't posted in a while but I decided to play and participate in this weeks Edit Me.

Ashley's SOOC

My Edit

em2012wk4 copy

I ran a few of my favorite actions including a skin softening action and vintage action at lowered opacities. I also did some burning and dodging to try and fix the lighting and the blown portions of the image. I also sharpened the image. All edits done with Photoshop CS5. What a cute little guy! Happy to play! :)

Please check out my website at or my Facebook at

Update! My edit won third place over at Edit Me!!
Edit Me

Congrats to the other winners! :)

Together Tuesdays

at arms length...

Together Tuesdays

This afternoon when I finally became inspired (ie not lazy), I couldn't find my remote. So, I decided to do this weeks Together Tuesday with my 50mm 1.8 at arms length. Talk about challenge! I did manage to get a couple of good ones and coupled along with my Hollywood Glam Pretty Presets, I think they turned out fairly well for an hours worth of work (shooting, taking care of Dylan and editing).

Together Tuesday 5/3/11

Together Tuesday 5/3/11

Together Tuesday 5/3/11

I always love a little blurry goodness. Sometimes I get so caught up on photos being tack sharp. That doesn't create great photos. Movement, realness, emotion...that does.


Together Tuesdays

staring intently...

Together Tuesday-4-26-11
This week I finally got to use one of the new presets I purchased from from their Hollywood Glam Collection fittingly called "nostalgia". In no way is this photo "Hollywood Glam"...maybe Mommywood Glam? ;)

I did my clean RAW edit, applied the preset and then upped the brightness a little bit in lightroom. I've been wanting to get outside to do one of these, but yet again the weather is lacking in cooperation today. I just love how Dylan looks at me and it's nice to see it from everyone else's perspective. How sweet! I mean, it's sweet from my angle too but I know I'll cherish this picture when my baby is older and no longer does this. :( Right now he likes to stare at us, touch our faces, tug on our hair, have us pretend to eat his hand (and this gets a nice belly laugh)...I am loving that I can be home with him so much. I would miss a lot of this.

Together Tuesdays


Pretty Presets

I must say, that besides having a chance to win a bunch of cool stuff, participating in blog giveaways has introduced me to a bunch of awesome vendors! My new favorite at the moment is Pretty Presets for Lightroom.

Last night, they just released two of their new lightroom RAW presets in the set called The Old Hollywood Glam Collection. It includes their Old Hollywood Glam Classic B&W and Old Hollywood Glam in Technicolor. If you know me, you know I LOVE Hollywood Glam. I just had to bite the bullet and purchase!! What made the deal sweeter, is that by liking their FB Page, I found out about their 25% off deal that is going on through tomorrow tonight. Use the discount code "GLAM25"!!!

You can buy the sets separately, but check out their page to view the before and afters on the Hollywood Glam collection and to see more of their Pretty Presets!! If you look hard enough, you can find a couple of freebies to try out too! ;)


Together Tuesdays

photo shoot!

Together Tuesdays

So here is my normal photo:
Together Tuesday-4-19-11

And here is my crazy baby love photo:
TT Collage

Sorry for the late post. These were taken this afternoon and then I had a bunch of errands to run. Just had lunch with a good friend who's preggo and I think she may let me do some newborn photos!! So excited! She's due in a couple of weeks!! :)

I hope to see your photos if you are participating!!


I must say that now a days, I buy most of my photography equipment on I most recently bought a backdrop stand and finally gave in and bought the 580EXII flash. I am SUPER excited to get more serious about OCF and different lighting. I am going to a workshop/seminar type event on Tuesday and I can't wait to practice the skills I learn there. I've decided I'm going to take our front downstairs bedroom and try and set up a mini studio (yes that's right!!). I just want practice...with anything!! I can use Dylan, the cats or a stuffed animal. I don't care!! lol.

Anyways, the point of me telling you about is because I know a lot of bloggers out there are mommies also. If you don't know about yet, you need to go there pronto!! I signed up, originally, just to buy discounted diapers because I had heard amazing things about it. Basically, you sign up to amazon mom, and then subscribe and save on diapers. The amazon mom part of it gives you 15% off and the subscribe and save portion gives you another 15% off!!! In addition, I have found coupons in places like Parents Magazine for an additional $10 off. Don't let the subscribe and save scare you. You can cancel or change it at any time, no fine print. Change the size, change the quantity or change the intervals at which they come (every 1 month, every 2 months, etc) doesn't matter...or you can completely cancel it all and there is no obligation.

The BEST part I have found with amazon mom besides the cheap Pampers? Free Amazon Prime for up to a year. Which means FREE 2 day shipping on EVERYTHING (even camera gear and large backdrop stands!!!). Every time I buy something in the baby department, it extends my free amazon prime by a month. Right now, I'm good until November and I'm saving a TON on shipping. I'm so obsessed with it, that in my searching for camera equipment, I check the little box on the side that says Amazon Prime Only because I refuse to pay shipping for anything! If it's not free amazon prime shipping eligible, I don't buy it (but I haven't really come across that problem). ;)

So this post is for you, momtographers!!! :)